Get Playlist Items - Web API Reference | Spotify for Developers

Updated 08132022-140645


I find it hilariously telling that Spotify's official, very-credentialed own Web API will not retrieve more than **50 fucking tracks** from a playlist lmao.

— ⓓⓐⓥⓘⓓ ⓑⓛⓤⓔ (@NeoYokel) August 13, 2022

I find it hilariously telling that Spotify's official, very-credentialed own Web API will not retrieve more than 50 fucking tracks from a playlist lmao.

limit integer The maximum number of items to return.

I find it hilariously telling that Spotify's official, very-credentialed own Web API will not retrieve more than 50 fucking tracks from a playlist lmao.

(I lied to you just then. I find it makes me want to commit systematic acts of violence on myself.)