Transcription-Joshua Topolsky on Mastodon

Updated 11172022-130044

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Over the last few weeks I've been I've been experimenting with the social network called mastodon which is not new it's been around for several years have you heard of mastodon know conceptually the way it functions and looks is is you know you if you look at you say OK that's kind of like Twitter but it is him you could have your own Twitter with its own set of rules and regulations and that your personal like liars liars mastodon instance can be part of this part of the thing called that instead of her is like the federated universe of mastodon instances remastered on servers or whatever this is already starting completely insane right like totally makes no sense no normal person wants that's not normal person needs this note normal sounds like a next level Internet like Internet I'm not ready for well it is actually interesting because it is and I wrote a little bit about this

On this mastodon thing about how you know there's this whole movement this web 3.0 movement which is concerned with the decentralizing the Internet meeting the way the Internet works now is essential this top down creation right we turned it into this place where every part of the Internet you go to or every part of Internet you use essentially owned and operated by some massive corporation that set a tone sort of rules and regulations it has its own policies and can kind of do whatever it wants with the users right so Google and Facebook and Twitter and you know Amazon and whoever it right but what's interesting is this mastodon Netwerk operates very much like an expression of this idea that maybe the Internet shouldn't be all of these super huge shared single size spaces but it should be you can connect spaces together and by the way this is kind of Javier

It used to be things could be connected together but they were not necessarily beholden to a single way of doing things and so would mastodon is interestingly is like may be a better expression than any crypto thing I've ever seen or any at NFT or any of the stuff that people talk about pitch on on on social networks is the future where it's like oh yeah OK I just wanna see how this works because want to give the person who runs the states whatever instance of Macedon gives them control but it also gives the individual a lot of control and in fact mastodons built in many ways by the LGBTQ plus community by trans activist by people who have really been you know beat up on some main stream social networks people who are not the main stream service you know American middle American use or or whatever and so they've built mastodon with this idea of consent giving you control and consent over what you can see over what can be shit

Shared over you know how information is represented in an edit and it takes into account all sorts of things that a lot of like older social networks have been very slow and taking into account like having content warnings or keeping photos blurred until I user actually wants to see them or even having you know written descriptions for photos for people who ever have you know site issues or whatever and so I think it's just an interesting and it is an interesting model that we're Twitter is like Twitter basically created tools that would allow people to harass other people on mass and they did nothing to prevent it like Twitter is basically custom design to allow for these like sort of insane mopping techniques where you can retweet somebody and show it to a bunch of people who have nothing to do with an all of those people kind of pylon where is something like Macedon is built like to do kind of the opposite it is not meant to like have things go viral necessarily or expose this sort of one message or moment you like

Many people as possible and what you can do with that with that individual moment is much more about like what you can sent you versus serve with the system pushes you and Jeff and so I'm not saying that mastodon is the future of social media maybe you know Tik Tok is the future although you know I just looked at to talk recently and I have to say but I saw there was very worrying for humanity in my opinion this is one old guy's opinion 11 guy who said meme page talking here meme picture whatever it is I said but you know I think it's interesting that there's some new ideas still to explore any kind of gives me a little again all the time I'm like oh I'm so surprised to discover that maybe I don't feel as hopeless as I thought I did about some of the things that are happening but I do think Macedon is an interesting sort of experiment in what if we thought differently about how we should arrange people and how we should arrange social networks in and frankly one of the reasons why I can

Needed to remain extremely interested in the technology even when it's kind of abusing me is that you don't feel like there still is something there that we haven't seen yet and we haven't experience yet that we had even thought of yet you know and then if you did if you told me that I would even be entertaining a new sort of framework for social networks I don't know a year ago I'd be like now I don't think that'll ever happen again