Updated 04192023-030225


<div class="tumblr-post" data-href="https://embed.tumblr.com/embed/post/t:1WuDk0fkJYiEo6eofu3JNg/715015605059747840/v2" data-did="0a173167eef960f09a534aadd85e3979a9f86844"  ><a href="https://www.tumblr.com/asphaltapostle/715015605059747840/just-stop-files-and-the-safety-of-your-machine">https://www.tumblr.com/asphaltapostle/715015605059747840/just-stop-files-and-the-safety-of-your-machine</a></div><script async src="https://assets.tumblr.com/post.js?_v=38df9a6ca7436e6ca1b851b0543b9f51"></script>

here's your Wednesday #InfoSec Top Tip:

the .JS file extension is a special hazardous label abbreviation for JUST STOP applied to clearly condemn only those files with the greatest potential to permanently harm your computer.

if you should encounter a file marked with .JS or .js on any system you credentialize with, DO NOT INTERACT with the file.

never try to move, delete, or even click on a JUST STOP file until you can verify its exact origin and operating precautions.

upon spotting any anomalous .js file, it's firstly important to STAY CALM.

the vast majority of documented .js file sightings have not resulted in any harm to the parties involved.

in order to protect yourself and perpetuate this success, it's very important to follow the Malicious File Sighting procedures provided by your civic or support authorities as diligently as can be reasonably expected in the situation.

Move yourself well clear of all peripherals to prevent accidental input and contact your system administrator immediately.