The Electric Car

Updated 09152022-174857

The advantages of the electric car are similar to those of the steam car. The electric motor is very flexible in operation and can be operated entirely through the control levers. By supplying more current or less current to the motor the power is increased or decreased accordingly. The electric car is especially adapted to the use of women and for city driving. It is an easy riding car, clean, and runs quietly. The electrically driven commercial car or truck is widely used for trucking and delivery purposes in cities where the road conditions are good.

The disadvantages [of the electric car] are that it is not suitable for long drives, heavy roads, or hilly country. On one charge of the battery the average car will run from 100 to 150 miles, depending upon the speed of the car and the condition of the roads. If the car is run at high speed, the battery will not drive the car so far as it will if it is run at a moderate rate. This car is also limited to localities where there are facilities for charging the storage batteries.
