Shortcuts for macOS - RoutineHub Discord

Updated 10122022-225815


oh eff he complaining about apple redundancy again.



||Old time Mac users should absolutely feel free to laugh.||

It was actually through Shortcuts that I discovered the existence of Automator and AppleScript and I 100% wish I'd gone the other direction. Without complaining too much, unsolicited... You know that function where you can import automator actions into Shortcuts? Well... In every case I've ever tried it, the resulting Shortcut was unequivocally less reliable, way slower, etc. I really wish it would go the other way! And I do not understand one bit why you'd just abandon something like that entirely and (basically) never speak of it again after you've finally refined it enough to be counted on by a real spectrum of users.

||Okay done for today with the complaining lol||


As it stands (and has since I first tried it just a few weeks after it came into beta,) the UI is way way more "reliable" (robust, predictable, ...less broken) on macOS, from my perspective.

Some particulars about that perspective to note:

It is particularly perturbing that the Mac is still smoother despite the absurd gulf in hardware between it and this iPad Pro. Less buggy, more responsive - the majority of the time, even running shortcuts is way, way faster.

I'd really like to have a used Mac around so at least I can reliably copy iCloud share URLs on the first go lol.




Can anyone share their experience developing a shortcut on Mac OS? If you build a shortcut on iOS is it easy to port over to desktop? Are there any obvious limitations to desktop development? Etc.