Proposal-An Infinite Flight Telegram Group

Updated 01012023-082121


I know it's been done before, but I'd be grateful if any existing Telegram users would be interested in the Infinite Flight-specific Group I've just created.

I'm working on a long-winded forum post (sorry lol) explaining why I've wanted to do so, but it's taking me forever so I thought I might toss the link in here out of context (just once! hope that's okay) first just in case I perish before I ever finish it.

I should perhaps begin this post by disclosing/qualifying that this will not be the first time I have attempted to create a Telegram Group/Channel for a community, unsolicited, which is only relevant because: 1.) I've learned how to tackle the technical obstacles quite competently and 2.) I promise I won't be overdramatic if nobody's interested.

I also understand that I am very new here and haven't been all that vocal in the community, thus far, but I feel like there are a few particular advantages to Telegram as a platform which I have already seen be actively underserved by Discord, especially (not that the sort of Group I'm proposing actually overlaps with something like the official community Discord, to be clear.)