My creations

This film was made as part of the "Cinema and Audiovisual" option during my high school senior year. We were asked to entirely produce a short film of 10 minutes. With this project, I had the opportunity to try the roles of assistant director (casting, films sets, hiring extras...), chief operator of sound, and chief editor.
© Copyright - Lycée Guist'hau

Poster targeting a problem in the society

The instructions of this exercise were to take one or several objects, so that we can use it as a metaphore by putting it on a different image. The poster must target and influence the society.
Translation :
"Tired of being played? - Vote. Protest. Act!"

Digital construction with a vaporwave style

An instruction-free exercise with the purpose of better learning how to use Photoshop. We had to make a "self-portrait" by adding some pictures. Here I used a graphic style named "Vaporwave" as an inspiration.

Storyboard of 3 frames

Here, we had to make a storyboard of 3 frames with a humoristic ending. To do so, we had to take some pictures of the subject and put it on a background image.

Graphical charter of Study Time

Our neighbour in the IT department have developped an app that allows us to have access to our schedules, our mails and our notifications for the students, the teachers and the people working on the campus. We were in charge of the making of the logo and some mockups of the future app named "Study Time".
Here is the full document (in french) with all of my work on the project.

Graphic identity for Le Studio

A webradio project was launched by some students. Our job was to create a graphic identity for the newly created association named "Le Studio". Not only we had to create a logo from the name, but we also had to wright a document indicating several informations about it, such as some exemple of use or the prohibitions on the logo.
Here is the full document (in french) with all of my work on the project.